Thursday, May 26, 2011

Lesson 3

English For All – CLASS NAME: Beginners 1

DATE: May 24

Teacher(s): Mackenzie

Lesson Objectives

1. Students will be able to identify different types of sports and fitness activities.

2. Ss will be able to understand present tense of the verbs do, go and play.

3. Ss will be able to use adverbs of frequency.

4. Ss will be able to fill in blanks to complete a paragraph using adverbs of frequency and personal knowledge.


Interchange 1, Third Edition Workbook



Slips of paper for Sculptures Game

Worksheet for Writing Activity


Note: the numbered titles are all bold faced. All other bold-faced words are to be written on the blackboard. Words in quotations are to be spoken by the teacher. Materials are underlined. Include the time allotted for each activity.

1. Warm-up/Review (Time allotted: 10 minutes )

Objective: To greet students and review what we did last week as well as what we will be doing today

Pre: T will greet Ss and ask what they did this weekend.

While: T will try to elicit phrases using simple present and present continuous in Ss’s answers about their weekend. T will write the rule abut simple present and present continuous on the board.

Simple present= habitual actions (you always do it, everyday)

Present continuous = actions that are happening right now

T will model the structure of sentences using simple present and present continuous on the board and ask Ss to come up with sentences and identify what tense the words are while also practicing structure.

She works (subject+verb)

She is working (subject+be+verb+-ing)

Post: T will ask Ss to explain what is simple present and what is present continuous and give an example of both.

Evaluation: How students answer the question “What is simple present and what is present continuous?” Next if they are able to give examples then T will know if Ss understand the tense.

~~Transition: Good job guys, now today we’re going to talk about sports and fitness activities. Do you like sports Zemlah? Can you guys each give me an example of a sport or a fitness activity?

2. Sports and Fitness Activities Introduction (Time Allotted: 15 minutes)

Objective: To get Ss thinking about sports and fitness activities and introduce vocabulary about sports

Pre: T will continue to create a list of words on the board under two categories Sports and Fitness Activities. T will ask Ss to come up with as many as they can. T will list the sport/activity under the correct category, then after they have come up with all they can, T will ask Ss to tell them what the difference is between sports and fitness activities based on what is listed under them.

T will also have a new words vocabulary list on the side of the board for Ss to copy down new vocabulary words Ss may not know.

While: Ask students to open up their books and look at the chart in their books. T will then tell Ss to privately guess what sport is the most popular in the US in each category. Once Ss check which one they think is the most popular, T will ask each to come up to the board and circle the sport they think is most popular and explain why.

T will model the answer on the board with:

I think this sport is the most popular because…

Post: T will ask Ss to split in pairs and talk about what sports or activities they enjoy then share with the class why they like that sport. T will ask Ss about any sports they might play in Saudi Arabia that aren’t listed here

Evaluation: How well Ss seem to understand what makes each sport different from the other while they’re explaining why the sports are popular and why they enjoy playing the sport or activity they chose.

~~Transition: “Great job. Let’s keep moving.”

3. Present Tense using Go, Play, and Do (Time Allotted: 15 minutes)

Objective: To continue to talk about sports and exercise while also learning

The present tense forms of do, go and play

Pre: Go over activity 2 A with Ss and explain any sports listed that they don’t know as well as what age groups Ss might not understand. T will write on the board an age time-line describing ages from children through to older people.

T will ask Ss to go through the chart and answer what they think is most popular among each age group and to choose one sport. T will model that any answer is right, it is their own opinion what they choose.

While Ss complete the task individually, T will write the conversation on the board so Ss will be able to answer the question in correct structure form.

A: What age groups like _________________?

B: I think it’s popular with ______________.

A. I agree, or I don’t really agree. I think it’s popular with ___________.

T will model the conversation with one Ss and then ask Ss to ask eachother

T will then explain the present tense using go, play and do.

Go + activities ending in –ing, except weight training

Play + games, such as sports played with a ball

Do + fitness activities and individual exercises

While: T will write Go, Play and Do on the board then ask Ss to come up and write which sports or fitness exercises go under which verb.

Post: Class will play Sculptures game. Ss will split into two groups. Each group will be given different slips of paper that have sports listed on them. T will explain that each group will need to act out the activity they’re given and the other group will need to guess what they’re doing. When a group guesses the sport or activity correctly they get a point. If they use the correct verb, “She is playing soccer”, they get a bonus point.

Evaluation: How well Ss can guess/ play the game and answer using the correct present tense of the verb.

~~Transition: “Great job everyone, that was a lot of fun. Let’s have a break.”

4. Break (Time Allotted: 10 minutes)

5. Grammar Focus using Adverbs of Frequency (Time Allotted: 30 minutes)

Objective: To get students to understand adverbs of frequency and identify where they are used in a conversation

Presentation: T will write on the board a scale from 0% to 100% and fill in adverbs of frequency where they fit from the chart in the book.

T will go through the chart with Ss and ask the questions “How often do you exercise” and “Do you ever watch TV in the evening?” then have them read the answers straight from the book and tell T what the frequency adverb is.

Practice: T will ask Ss to look at the conversation above Activity 4. T will ask two Ss to read the conversation. Then T will ask Ss to circle the frequency adverbs in the conversation. Once they have done that T will ask a Ss to bring their book up to the Elmo and show what they circled and why.

Production: Ss will play Tic-Tac-Toe using frequency adverbs. T will split Ss into new groups. T will write 9 frequency adverbs on the board in boxes similar to what a tic-tac-toe game looks like. T will explain each team will get to choose a word in the box then have to come up with a sentence or phrase using the frequency adverb. One team is X and one team is O. If they are able to use the word correctly the word will be replaced with either an X or O in the box.

T might have to explain tic-tac-toe before we play.

Evaluation: How well Ss can play Tic-Tac-Toe

~~Tranisiton: “That was fun! Great job to both teams. Now we are going to move on to talking about different types of athletes”

6. Writing Activity (Time Allotted: 20 minutes)
Objective: To get Ss to write about their favorite activities using the simple present and adverbs of frequency.

Pre: T will have Ss answer questions on a worksheet

Who’s your favorite athlete? Why? Who are three famous athletes in your country? What sports do they play? Do you ever watch sports on TV? Which ones? Do you ever watch sports live? Which ones? What are two sports you don’t like? What sport or activity do you want to try?

T will model the worksheet on the Elmo answering questions about themselves first.

While: Ss will spend 5 minutes answering the questions and filling out the blank spots in their worksheet.

Post: Ss will come to the front of the room and read their paragraphs they filled out.

Evaluation: How well Ss answered their questions and used adverbs of frequency.

~~Transition: “Great job today. I hope you guys enjoyed talking about sports.”

7. Wrap up (Time Allotted: 10 minutes)

Objective: To get students to remember what we went over that day and what they will be going over tomorrow


Activities 1, 2 3, 4 8 and 9

Anticipated Problems

1. Ss might not understand my instructions or explanations.

2. Ss won’t understand the grammar points.

3. We will run out of time and not be able to finish all of the activities.

4. Technological problems will occur with the elmo or overhead projector.

5. Ss may have forgotten their book.

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