Thursday, May 26, 2011

Worksheet Lesson 3

Who’s your favorite athlete?

Who are three famous athletes in your country?

What sports do they play?

Do you ever watch sports on TV?

Which ones?

Do you ever watch sports live?

Which ones?

What are two sports you don’t like?

What sport or activity do you want to try?

My favorite athlete is _______________. Three other famous athletes in my country are ______________, _______________, and _______________. They play ______________, ______________, ______________. I ___________ watch sports on TV. The sport I __________* watch is __________. I _______________* watch sports live. Two sports I don’t like are _____________ and ______________. I would really like to try _______________.

Blanks with * next to it need to be filled with an adverb of frequency

Lesson 3

English For All – CLASS NAME: Beginners 1

DATE: May 24

Teacher(s): Mackenzie

Lesson Objectives

1. Students will be able to identify different types of sports and fitness activities.

2. Ss will be able to understand present tense of the verbs do, go and play.

3. Ss will be able to use adverbs of frequency.

4. Ss will be able to fill in blanks to complete a paragraph using adverbs of frequency and personal knowledge.


Interchange 1, Third Edition Workbook



Slips of paper for Sculptures Game

Worksheet for Writing Activity


Note: the numbered titles are all bold faced. All other bold-faced words are to be written on the blackboard. Words in quotations are to be spoken by the teacher. Materials are underlined. Include the time allotted for each activity.

1. Warm-up/Review (Time allotted: 10 minutes )

Objective: To greet students and review what we did last week as well as what we will be doing today

Pre: T will greet Ss and ask what they did this weekend.

While: T will try to elicit phrases using simple present and present continuous in Ss’s answers about their weekend. T will write the rule abut simple present and present continuous on the board.

Simple present= habitual actions (you always do it, everyday)

Present continuous = actions that are happening right now

T will model the structure of sentences using simple present and present continuous on the board and ask Ss to come up with sentences and identify what tense the words are while also practicing structure.

She works (subject+verb)

She is working (subject+be+verb+-ing)

Post: T will ask Ss to explain what is simple present and what is present continuous and give an example of both.

Evaluation: How students answer the question “What is simple present and what is present continuous?” Next if they are able to give examples then T will know if Ss understand the tense.

~~Transition: Good job guys, now today we’re going to talk about sports and fitness activities. Do you like sports Zemlah? Can you guys each give me an example of a sport or a fitness activity?

2. Sports and Fitness Activities Introduction (Time Allotted: 15 minutes)

Objective: To get Ss thinking about sports and fitness activities and introduce vocabulary about sports

Pre: T will continue to create a list of words on the board under two categories Sports and Fitness Activities. T will ask Ss to come up with as many as they can. T will list the sport/activity under the correct category, then after they have come up with all they can, T will ask Ss to tell them what the difference is between sports and fitness activities based on what is listed under them.

T will also have a new words vocabulary list on the side of the board for Ss to copy down new vocabulary words Ss may not know.

While: Ask students to open up their books and look at the chart in their books. T will then tell Ss to privately guess what sport is the most popular in the US in each category. Once Ss check which one they think is the most popular, T will ask each to come up to the board and circle the sport they think is most popular and explain why.

T will model the answer on the board with:

I think this sport is the most popular because…

Post: T will ask Ss to split in pairs and talk about what sports or activities they enjoy then share with the class why they like that sport. T will ask Ss about any sports they might play in Saudi Arabia that aren’t listed here

Evaluation: How well Ss seem to understand what makes each sport different from the other while they’re explaining why the sports are popular and why they enjoy playing the sport or activity they chose.

~~Transition: “Great job. Let’s keep moving.”

3. Present Tense using Go, Play, and Do (Time Allotted: 15 minutes)

Objective: To continue to talk about sports and exercise while also learning

The present tense forms of do, go and play

Pre: Go over activity 2 A with Ss and explain any sports listed that they don’t know as well as what age groups Ss might not understand. T will write on the board an age time-line describing ages from children through to older people.

T will ask Ss to go through the chart and answer what they think is most popular among each age group and to choose one sport. T will model that any answer is right, it is their own opinion what they choose.

While Ss complete the task individually, T will write the conversation on the board so Ss will be able to answer the question in correct structure form.

A: What age groups like _________________?

B: I think it’s popular with ______________.

A. I agree, or I don’t really agree. I think it’s popular with ___________.

T will model the conversation with one Ss and then ask Ss to ask eachother

T will then explain the present tense using go, play and do.

Go + activities ending in –ing, except weight training

Play + games, such as sports played with a ball

Do + fitness activities and individual exercises

While: T will write Go, Play and Do on the board then ask Ss to come up and write which sports or fitness exercises go under which verb.

Post: Class will play Sculptures game. Ss will split into two groups. Each group will be given different slips of paper that have sports listed on them. T will explain that each group will need to act out the activity they’re given and the other group will need to guess what they’re doing. When a group guesses the sport or activity correctly they get a point. If they use the correct verb, “She is playing soccer”, they get a bonus point.

Evaluation: How well Ss can guess/ play the game and answer using the correct present tense of the verb.

~~Transition: “Great job everyone, that was a lot of fun. Let’s have a break.”

4. Break (Time Allotted: 10 minutes)

5. Grammar Focus using Adverbs of Frequency (Time Allotted: 30 minutes)

Objective: To get students to understand adverbs of frequency and identify where they are used in a conversation

Presentation: T will write on the board a scale from 0% to 100% and fill in adverbs of frequency where they fit from the chart in the book.

T will go through the chart with Ss and ask the questions “How often do you exercise” and “Do you ever watch TV in the evening?” then have them read the answers straight from the book and tell T what the frequency adverb is.

Practice: T will ask Ss to look at the conversation above Activity 4. T will ask two Ss to read the conversation. Then T will ask Ss to circle the frequency adverbs in the conversation. Once they have done that T will ask a Ss to bring their book up to the Elmo and show what they circled and why.

Production: Ss will play Tic-Tac-Toe using frequency adverbs. T will split Ss into new groups. T will write 9 frequency adverbs on the board in boxes similar to what a tic-tac-toe game looks like. T will explain each team will get to choose a word in the box then have to come up with a sentence or phrase using the frequency adverb. One team is X and one team is O. If they are able to use the word correctly the word will be replaced with either an X or O in the box.

T might have to explain tic-tac-toe before we play.

Evaluation: How well Ss can play Tic-Tac-Toe

~~Tranisiton: “That was fun! Great job to both teams. Now we are going to move on to talking about different types of athletes”

6. Writing Activity (Time Allotted: 20 minutes)
Objective: To get Ss to write about their favorite activities using the simple present and adverbs of frequency.

Pre: T will have Ss answer questions on a worksheet

Who’s your favorite athlete? Why? Who are three famous athletes in your country? What sports do they play? Do you ever watch sports on TV? Which ones? Do you ever watch sports live? Which ones? What are two sports you don’t like? What sport or activity do you want to try?

T will model the worksheet on the Elmo answering questions about themselves first.

While: Ss will spend 5 minutes answering the questions and filling out the blank spots in their worksheet.

Post: Ss will come to the front of the room and read their paragraphs they filled out.

Evaluation: How well Ss answered their questions and used adverbs of frequency.

~~Transition: “Great job today. I hope you guys enjoyed talking about sports.”

7. Wrap up (Time Allotted: 10 minutes)

Objective: To get students to remember what we went over that day and what they will be going over tomorrow


Activities 1, 2 3, 4 8 and 9

Anticipated Problems

1. Ss might not understand my instructions or explanations.

2. Ss won’t understand the grammar points.

3. We will run out of time and not be able to finish all of the activities.

4. Technological problems will occur with the elmo or overhead projector.

5. Ss may have forgotten their book.

Vocabulary Sheets, Lesson 2

Vocabulary for May 11, 2011

Music, TV Shows and Movies


Rap: music of African-American origin, with rhyming word and a strong beat. Rap can be associated with music like hip-hop, which is a little more fast and funky. Rap can also have qualities like fast poetry with lots of lyrics. Rap became popular in the late 80’s and into the 90’s.

R&B: rhythm and blues, more slow and soulful

Country: Country-and-western, banjo and twang music

Gospel: a kind of Christian religious music usually sang in the beginning of church but some people listen to it outside of church as well

Jazz: a kind of dance music originally popular in the 20’s, there is a lot of brass instrument use in jazz and a catchy beat that sometimes has no direction. Usually there will be a saxophone, trumpet, flute, drums and a string bass.

Rock: Loud and exciting music usually with a lot of energy, heavy metal is another type of rock that is more intense and might involve someone screaming instead of singing

Pop: upbeat with not a lot of instruments, usually the voice is the main source of music

TV Programs or Shows: Movies: Music:

Game shows Horror Films Classical

News Science Fiction Jazz

Soap operas Thrillers Pop

Talk shows Westerns Salsa

Cartoons Adventure Reggae

Documentaries Comedies Opera

Sports events Musicals Heavy Metal

Reality shows Drama Hip-Hop


Vocabulary from May 10

Materials of Clothing/Jewelry

Give an example of an item that is made up of this material.










Elmo Worksheet:

1. A: ____________ you like science fiction movies?

B: No, I ________. I don’t like _____________ very much.

2. A: __________Jake and Lisa like soap operas?

B: I think Jake _______, but I don’t know about Lisa.

Why don’t you ask ________?

3. A: What ________ of music _______ Noriko and Ethan like?

B: They love classical music. Noriko really likes Yo-Yo Ma.

A: _______ ________ he play?

B: The cell. I have his new Cd. Let’s listen to ______.

Do you like rap?

Yes, I do. I like it a lot.

Does he play the piano?

Yes, he does.

No, he doesn’t.

Lesson 2

English For All – CLASS NAME: Beginners 1

DATE: 5/11/2011

Teacher(s): Mackenzie Burkhardt

Lesson Objectives

1. Students will be able to identify entertainment specifically the difference between types of music, different TV shows and movies.

2. Ss will be able to write and answer Yes/No and Wh-questions with do.

3. Ss will be able to understand and talk about different aspects that differentiate music, TV shows and movies.

4. Ss will be able to have a conversation about what type of music, TV programs and movies they like.


Interchange Textbook 1, Third Edition

Chalk, Board, Projector and Elmo

Cd cases, Dvd Movie and TV Show cases

Audio Clips

Clothing (materials such as wool, cotton, gold, etc.)

Vocabulary list from previous day

Vocabulary list for today

Sheets of paper for ‘Question Exchange’


Note: the numbered titles are all bold faced. All other bold-faced words are to be written on the blackboard. Words in quotations are to be spoken by the teacher. Materials are underlined. Include the time allotted for each activity.

1. Warm-up/Review (Time allotted: 5 min)

Objective: To get Ss alert and review vocabulary went over about clothing the lesson before

Pre: Greet students

While: Hand out worksheet with vocabulary words from the previous day’s lesson. Bring in clothing to have Ss identify from the vocabulary list. Give them time to make any notes or write any definitions to help them recall yesterday’s vocabulary.

Post: Ss will be asked to each say a sentence using words on their vocabulary sheet based on sentence structures we went over yesterday.

~~Transition: “Yesterday we talked about shopping and different types of clothing. Today we will be talking a lot about music, television and movies. Music, TV programs and movies are a big part of American culture and will most likely come up in conversations you will have with other English speakers.”

2. Types of Music activity (Time allotted: 10 minutes)

Objective: To introduce the different types of music in American culture and why it makes them distinctively its own type.

Pre: T will ask Ss “What type of music is popular in your country?” And write their answers on the board. T will then ask Ss if they know any other types of music and ask them to describe why that music is different from the other types they’ve named.

T will ask Ss to open their books and look at the chart showing music sale percentages. T will explain percentages and ask students “Based on this chart, what music is popular in the US? What music is unpopular in the US?”

T may have to explain what a r&b, poll, gospel or any other words Ss are unsure of before we continue with the listening activity.

While: Ss will be asked as a class to listen to the audio clip on [CD 1, Track 23] and complete the task of labeling the type of music they hear based on what we have gone over.

Post: T will ask students “What type of music do you like best?” and we will do our own classroom poll of music people like. T may elicit musical artists that Ss like and who everyone likes the best.

~~Transition: “Now that we’ve gone over types of music, I would like you guys to come up here and sort through these cases and place them either in Television Show, Music, or Movies.”

3. Types of Entertainment (Time Allotted: 10 minutes)

Objective: To get students to understand the difference between music, tv shows and movies.

Pre: Ss will be asked to come to the front of the room and as a group figure out what cases are music, tv shows or dvds and write their names on the board under the correct category.

After they have completed this task T will pass out the work sheet with vocabulary words about music, tv shows and movies. T will elicit students to explain what they know about the different types of TV programs, movies or music they know or are not sure of.

While: Ss will be asked to fill out activity 2 a in their book individually, then rank each their favorite to least favorite type of tv program, movie, and music.

Post: Ss will share with the class what their favorite and least favorite type of each category they chose and why.

~~Transition: Great job, it was fun to hear about what you guys like to watch and listen to! Now we’re going to talk listen to a conversation about Tom and Liz and what type of music they like.

4. Music Conversation Listening Activity (Time Allotted: 15 minutes)

Objective: To get Ss to understand comprehension questions and answers from listening to an audio clip.

Pre: T will place Interchange book on the Elmo and ask Ss “Who do you see here, do you recognize these people?”

T will write statements on the board:

1. I’m a big fan of Eminem.

2. I don’t know much about rap.

3. I really like pop music.

4. I don’t like pop music very much.

T will go over these statements with students and tell them to notice in the audio clip when they are being said.

While: T will play the audio clip from [CD 1, Track 24] breaking up the sections of conversation to slow down the input of information and increase the amount of comprehension. Every four lines T will stop the audio clip and replay it eliciting the statements on the board for better comprehension.

Ss will practice the conversation in pairs, one playing Tom and the other pretending to be Liz.

Post: T will ask students comprehension questions:
“Who is Liz’s favorite singer?”

“What does Liz think of Eminem?”

“Does Eminem play the piano?”

“Does Tom like pop music?”

~~Transition: You guys did an awesome job listening about Tom and Liz’s conversation about music. Now we are going to play a fun game.

5. Yes/No and Wh-questions with do; Question Exchange game (Time Allotted: 15 minutes)

Objective: To get Ss to understand the sentence structure of Wh-questions with do and practice yes/no questions

Presentation: Write a sentence on the board from Tom and Liz’s conversation and label the parts of the sentence.

What kind of … Do you like Rap, Liz?

1 2 3 4

T will explain that ‘do’ is another form of Wh questions when asking Yes or no questions. Parts 2, 3, and 4 consists of Wh-question + do/does + subject + verb?

T will write more sentences from the reading on the board and ask Ss to label the parts of the sentence based on the Wh-question using do structure:

Does he play the piano?

Do you like her?

Do you like pop music?

T will go over the grammar focus box with Ss and have them each take turns reading the questions out loud.

T will go over Object pronouns. T will be asked to circle object pronouns in the conversation in exercise 3 a. T will write Ss answers on the board, then ask Ss to come to the board and write next to the pronoun what it stands for. T will model the first answer.

Practice: Ss will play “Question Exchange” with one another where they will be given sheets of paper that either have do or does written on them and then the rest of the sentence will be on another sheet of paper. Ss will have to find their match around the room.

For example:

One student will receive ‘Do’ on a sheet of paper. Another student will receive ‘you like rap music?’ and they will have to find each other to create the correct sentence.

Production: Ss will be asked to complete the conversations in activity 4 in pairs. T will have this activity on a worksheet that students will be asked to come up to the Elmo and fill in the answers for the class to see.

6. Break (Allotted time: 10 minutes)

T will show students how to use Pandora and play music during break if they would like.

~~Transition: For the next part of our lesson we will be going over intonation, which is the way our voices go up and down, and play a date game show.

7. Pronunciation Exercise (Allotted Time: 10 minutes)

Objective: To get students to understand and use correct pronunciation and intonation of yes/no questions and Wh-questions

Pre: Ask students, do you notice any difference in my voice when I ask these questions. Write these questions on the board.

Do you like TV?

What programs do you like?

T will introduce the idea that yes/no questions intonation goes up when you ask the question, and Wh-questions the intonation goes down.

T will model the intonation explanation by repeating the questions written on the board.

While: T will write questions on the board and ask Ss to come up and draw the proper arrow marking whether the intonation goes up or down when asking the question.

Do you like TV?

What programs do you like?

Do you like music videos?

What videos do you like?

Do you play a musical instrument?

What musical instrument do you play?

Post: Will play the audio clip [CD 1, Track 26] and ask students to identify what sentences have rising intonation and which sentences have falling intonation. T will ask the students to read the questions and ask them to use the proper intonation when they do so and explain why they either use rising or falling intonation.

8. Game Show Game (Time Allotted: 30 minutes)

Objective: To get students to describe their favorite music, TV program and movie.

Pre: T will write on the board:

Do you like TV?

What kind of TV programs do you like?

T will then ask Ss to answer these questions out loud. Once they have answered these questions and see the correct format to answer these questions, T will instruct the Ss to split into pairs and come up with 5 questions. After they have come up with 5 questions Ss will switch pairs and ask each other their questions they came up with.

Once Ss finish this pre-activity T will ask each Ss to give one example of their questions and answers they came up with in pairs. T will type these questions and answers on Word, which will be displayed on the overhead for all students to see.

While: Ss will be asked to move their desks so that one person is facing the front of the room without being able to see the other Ss. T will explain we are going to play a game show and that one Ss will be the person picking one of the other Ss (contestants) behind her without knowing who they are based on what answers you like the best.

T will be the host and ask three questions and each Ss will have to answer the questions.

“Welcome to “Who’s My Date?” Today, _____ is going to meet contestants, 1, 2, 3 and 4. So, let’s start with the first question… on music. _____, What kind of music do you like?”

“Ok, Now let’s talk about movies, ______, What kind of movies do you like?

“And now for question number three, Contestant 2, what kind of TV programs do you like?”

At the end, the Ss who is facing the board will have to choose who the best date would be based on their answers.

Post: T will pull up YouTube and Google videos for students to identify if we have time.

Ss will be asked to describe what I am showing them and describe what type of genre it is.

~~Transition: Great job you guys, I hope you had fun playing that game.

9. Wrap-up (Time Allotted: 5 minutes)

Objective: To review what we went over in today’s lesson and also go over what will happen in tomorrow’s lesson.


How well students are able to fill out activities 2a, 3, 4 5, 6 and 7

Anticipated Problems

1. Students won’t have a lot of English background knowledge about music, tv programs and movies.

2. Students may not care about music, TV programs or music.

3. Students won’t be able to understand the fast speech in the audio clips.

4. We won’t have enough time to complete the lesson.

5. We will have a lot of time left over and nothing to fill it with.

Lesson 1

English For All – CLASS NAME: Beginners 1

DATE: 5/3/2011

Teacher(s): Mackenzie

Lesson Objectives

1. Students will be able to interpret conversations about schedules.

2. Ss will practice pronunciation and stress syllables.

3. Ss will be able to differentiate between the usage of prepositions and adverbs that express time.

4. Ss will be able to identify their own daily routines.

5. Ss will be able to identify reasoning and rational for people’s occupations and daily routines.


Chalk, Chalkboard


Audio clips: [CD 1, Track 11] [CD 1, Track 12] [CD 1, Track 13] [CD 1, Track 14]

Interchange book

Notecards with In, At and On for Run for it! Game

Overhead projector


Note: the numbered titles are all bold faced. All other bold-faced words are to be written on the blackboard. Words in quotations are to be spoken by the teacher. Materials are underlined. Include the time allotted for each activity.

1. Warm-up (Time allotted: 5 min)

Objective: To get students engaged and ready to perform tasks for the day.

Pre: We will go over what we did last week, which involved greetings, occupations and families.

While: T will put up pictures on the overhead projector of families, different people performing specific jobs and go through and quickly practice greetings with each student.

Post: T will go over the day’s activities that are on the board which include:

Helen and Daniel Conversation Activity

Practice Pronunciation

Time Expressions


Daily Schedules


-Common Ground


~~Transition: “To begin today class, I would like you all to look up here at the projector screen and answer a few questions about the two people you see”

2. Conversation Listening and Comprehension Activity (Allotted time: 20 minutes)

Objective: to get students to begin to think about schedules and interpretations of conversations about schedules.

Presentation: T will place the Interchange textbook on the Elmo and cover up the conversation. T will ask students “What do you think these two people are doing? What do you think they’re talking about?”

Practice: T ask students to answer “What does Helen do?” and then have them listen to the audio clip [CD 1, Track 11] of Helen and David’s conversation without allowing them to look at their books yet. T will write questions on the board.
What time does Helen get home at night?

Where does she work?

Ss will listen to the audio clip again and have to answer the questions provided on the board.

After Ss answer these questions they’ll be asked to open their books and read along while the audio clip plays again. After they’ve listened for the third time T will split them into pairs to practice the script of the conversation on their own.

Production: T will ask Ss “Can you please tell me what Helen does every day and at what times?”

Last Ss will be asked to listen to the last audio clip about Daniel’s day and answer what time Daniel gets up and when he starts work.

~~Transition: “While you were practicing the conversation with your partners and listening to the audio clip, you might have noticed the speakers in the audio clip say the words differently than how you might when you read them out loud. Longer words with more than one syllable have stronger sounds in different parts of the word. Many of the occupation names we went over last week are good examples of this.”

3. Pronunciation (Allotted time: 10 minutes)

Objective: to display and introduce stress in different syllables for pronunciation of different words.

Presentation: T will explain that some syllables in words have more stress, or more power, volume and tone than other syllables or parts of sounds, in a word.

Practice: T will play the audio clip once, and clap when a stressed syllable is present in a word. T will play the audio clip another time or however many times until Ss are able to clap along with the stressed syllables of the words presented in the audio clip.

Production: Ss will be asked to complete the chart in their textbook individually and encouraged to clap if they have to. T will play the audio clip one last time and go over their answers together as a class.

~~Transition: “If you guys will now turn your page to the next activity we will start to learn about one syllable words at, in, and on.

4. Time Expressions Activity (Time Allotted: 15 min)

Objective: to introduce different rules for the usage of different prepositions and adverbs used in conversations about time.

Presentation: T will ask students to quickly read through the chart in their books with examples of time expressions. T will write on the board at, in and on with space underneath them. T will ask students to come up with words that follow at, in and on. T will also write on the side of the board:

At+ times of day; night

In+ parts of day (except night)

On+ days of the week

Practice: We will play the game Run For It! Found on page t-148. I will have made notecards with the words in, at and on written on them. The room will be split into two teams and each given a set of these notecards. T will read 10 sentences and ask the teams to have one person as the ‘runner’ and the rest can sit in their desks, but everyone has to participate in the group. T will read a sentence that is missing either in, at or on; such as I get up (blank) 6 a.m. The team will have to decide which preposition fits and then the runner will be told to go grab the ball at the front of the room and whoever gets there first with the correct answer will receive a point. There will only be one runner designated for the whole game.

T will then explain the meaning of adverbs early, late, around, until, before and after and play the audio program explaining the meanings of these words.

T will ask students to complete activity 9 A in their textbooks in pairs while T goes around the room and gives help as needed.

T will then ask students to rewrite the sentences in part A so that the sentences are true for the Ss. T will write an example on the board about herself.

Production: T will model activity 9 C showing Ss that they will be asking and answering the questions in pairs. Then Ss will be asked to have these conversations with one another and take turns being the one asking and being the person answering.

~~Transition: “Now we will take a ten minute break, great job you guys”

5. Break (Time Allotted: 10 min)

~~Transition: “Okay, everyone take your seats and quiet down please. We’re going to focus now on more schedules specific to certain job occupations”

6. Listening and Interpreting Daily Schedules (Time Allotted: 10 Minutes)

Objective: to present an audio clip to develop skills in listening for specific information

Pre-listening: T will explain to the students that we will be listening to a clip describing Rodney, Tina and Ellen’s conversation about their daily schedules and occupations. T will explain we’ll be listening to the clip then filling out answers in the blank chart in their worksheet after we listen together.

During: T will play the audio clip for students and ask students to fill in the blanks in their textbook while listening to the audio.

Post: The class will go through the answers and T will ask the Ss to debate which schedule they think is the best and why. We will take a vote and pick a winner for the best schedule after students have elicited their arguments.

~~Transition: “Great job you guys. Now I’d like to you to focus your attention to the projector screen. As a class we were able to come up with the same answer to who has the best schedule. Now I want to see what same or similar schedules we might share in our real lives. Let’s take a look.”

7. Class Activity about Common Schedules (Allotted time: 15 minutes)

Objective: to get students thinking about their schedules and how they would communicate them to someone else and what similar daily routines they might have in common.

Pre: Have students look at the pictures of the woman who is pictured doing things throughout her day. T will elicit explanations by asking questions like “What does the woman do every day? What time does she do each thing?” T will transition from here by asking the Ss “What time do you get up during the week?”

During: T will then ask the Ss to fill out the activity about themselves, then compare their answers with a partner. T will model with S how to ask, “What time do you… ‘get up during the week’ ‘get up on the weekends’ ‘have breakfast’. Then if there are any similarities they can use ‘useful expression’s like ‘We both…at…’ and ’We … at different times” T will instruct students to go through the times they perform tasks through their day, and find either one similarity or difference in times of a particular task during the day and come up with one sentence using the ‘useful expressions’ model.

Post: T will ask Ss to go around the room and share their sentences.

~~Transition: “Good job you guys, now you know if someone asks you, ‘when do you get home from school?’ you will know how to properly answer and ask them back ‘what time do you get home from school?’ and compare times and similarities and differences. Our last activity today will require you to read about Teresa, Kerin and Lamar and their occupations, schedules and reasons for why they do what they do at the these times during the day.”

8. Reading about Occupations and Reasoning (Time Allotted: 15 minutes)

Objective: to elicit understanding about occupations and lifestyles after reading a person’s profile

Presentation: T will have textbook on the elmo displayed on the overhead screen and ask Ss to look at the people and answer “Who is in high school? Who is in college? and Who is a new parent?” by just looking at their pictures. T will ask Ss to guess why they think they might need jobs before having them read. T will go over vocabulary

Experience, quickly, save, take care of , type, allowance and earn

T will ask Ss to guess what the meaning of these vocabulary words are before explaining their definition.

Practice: T will ask Ss to individually answer Activity 12 A about ‘why these people need jobs’ and then we will go over their answers as a class.

Production: In pairs, Ss will answer activity 12 B and choose jobs for Teresa, Kerin and Lamar based on the knowledge they have about these occupations and the people’s schedules and qualifications. T will elicit explanations as to why the students answered these questions by supplementing their answers with the helpful expression written on the board,

We thought Teresa would be best as a __________ because she _______.

If students still seem to not understand the instructions T will give a possible answer as an example and students will have to come up with the next two answers in pairs. When finished Ss will be asked to share their reasons with the class.

~~Transition: “Great job you guys. I hope you understand a little bit better why someone might choose a particular occupation because of what their past experience is and also what money they need to save. We are done for today and we’ll just quickly go over what we did today and what you can expect to learn tomorrow.”

9. Wrap-up (Time Allotted: 10 minutes)

Objective: to go over lessons learned during that day and also preview what students can anticipate next week

Pre: T will congratulate students on their performance that day and how much they got done.

During: T will review all topics covered

“Helen and Daniel Conversation Activity

Practice Pronunciation

Time Expressions


Daily Schedules


-Common Ground


Post: Assign homework in Progress Check for Units 1-2, Activities 3 A and 5 A. T will review that tomorrow Ss will start a new Unit that talks about shopping.


Homework assignment Activites 3 A and 5 A will show the Ss comprehension, vocabulary and knowledge gained from activities of the previous units 1 and 2 about occupations and schedules.

Anticipated Problems

1. Ss might not understand my instructions or explanations.

2. Ss might not understand the audio clips and we will have to replay the audio clips many more times than anticipated.

3. Ss won’t understand what a syllable and stressing of syllables.

4. We will run out of time and not be able to finish all of the activities.

5. Ss don’t understand occupations we are going over.

6. Technological problems will occur with the audio clips, elmo, or overhead projector.